April 30th Solar Eclipse

The Energetic Gateways of 2022 thus far are facilitating a year of great transformation for all planetary life.  The early part of this year brought about the deep expansion of consciousness and called us to dream dreams bigger than our own imagination during the Jupiter Neptune conjunction April 12th.[i]

Death and Resurrection Energies

This was followed immediately by the Death and Resurrection energies celebrated by many around with world during Holy Week which combined the Full Moon Energies in Libra with a Pluto Square challenging us to let go of relationships no longer serving our greatest good.  We were called to ‘die’ to self and ‘rise anew’ in the light of our Soul song and mastery.


Pluto is the planet of death and resurrection and will go retrograde April 29th.  When a planet is in retrograde, it calls us to look deep inside, to do the shadow work, heal the core wounds and manifest a higher light.

Pluto moves very slow through the zodiac cycle taking 248-252 years to move through all twelve signs.  While it moves at a snail’s pace through the signs, it awakens the subconscious, the etheric body and our 3rd eye chakra with powerful energy.  It unearths things subdued in the shadows, reveals hidden messages and weeds out energies no longer serving our highest light.  It allows us to gain clarity and reveals to us the progress of our journey thus far.  As this Pluto retrograde begins, it will bring about the second alignment with the natal Pluto of the United States.[ii]

Taurus/Scorpio Eclipse Axis

Joining these Plutonian energies will be the first of the eclipse energies of 2022 on the Taurus/Scorpio Eclipse Axis.  A New Moon Partial Solar Eclipse occurs at 10° Taurus, on April 30th. [iii]  Taurus is a reliable (fixed) earth sign with Scorpio being a passionate, deep and mysterious water sign (emotions).  This combination, while challenging, will push us to transform and make changes for our highest good.

A solar eclipse [iv]brings new beginnings and unexpected opportunities for us within this two-week eclipse window.  With the retrograde Pluto added to the mix, the internal transformation takes place before realizing the impact on our external experiences with others.  As we solidify the changes on a personal level, the collective level also transforms.


taurusTaurus energies focus on home, values, finances, resources, both personal and planetary.  When a Solar Eclipse is centred in Taurus, one should be open to major shifts, transformations and expansions during the eclipse window. As Taurus houses the Solar eclipse, it will provide the solid ground, the tenacity, the calm and reassurance to navigate the changes and increase our level of consciousness.  Regardless of the chaos, confusion and disharmony, Taurus will help us create a cohesive reality based on harmony, peace and divine love and provide the framework for us to radiate our inner transformation.

The constellation Taurus holds the time/space annual cycle when the Sun transits through Sirius, Orion and the Pleiades.  Its brightest star, Aldebaran, is one of the four Royal Stars [v]used by the Persians who “looked upon them for guidance in scientific calculations of the sky, such as the calendar and lunar/solar cycles, and for predictions.” (Wikipedia)  These Royal Stars help direct spiraling timelines, new light codes, energetic upgrades and higher consciousness.

As the galactic energies stream into the Earth, the Taurus energies will ground them into our Light Body and anchor them into the Planetary Grid to support the New Earth Ascension.  Taurus is ruled by Venus, so it is an excellent time to catch up on sleep needed for healing and self-care rituals. [vi]


Scorpio is also ruled by the planet Pluto and is associated with the symbol of the phoenix, the rising out of the ashes (old) to form anew.   The Total Lunar Eclipse at 25° Scorpio follows on May 15th ushering in a 5–6-month period of illumination and revelation. [vii]

The energies of this eclipse will be deep and intense as is any birthing process which is exactly what you are doing – birthing yourself into a higher consciousness and awareness.

 Nurturing a Fertile Energetic Field

These next several weeks are nurturing a fertile energetic field for us to die (surrender) to self, to release the old and to rise anew like the phoenix, to manifest the highest light and mastery of our Soul.

We are being provided with a profound opportunity of transformation that will be challenging but set us firmly on the New Earth/Ascension timeline manifesting it in our reality.  As we transform ourselves, we are able to create within the collective experience structures that house universal harmony, peace and coherence for our world and support the natural order of planetary life.


Other Upcoming Gateways:

May 5 – Taurus Gateway

May 15 / 16 – Total Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio

June 20 – Solstice

July 7 – Sirius Gateway

August 8 – Lion’s Gate

More Information

[i] Jupiter Neptune Conjunction 

[ii]  Pluto Return of the United States

[iii]  April 30th Eclipse 

[iv]  Solar Eclipses

[v]  Royal Stars

[vi]  Jatamansi essential oil used on the soles of your feet at night or in a diffuser in the bedroom aids sleep.  It is made from Valerian Root.  It is also the oil that Mary Magdalene used to anoint the feet of Christ.  Also known as ‘nard’ or ‘spikenard’.  You can find a high quality Jatamansi oil here

Epsom Salts baths are an excellent way to clear the auric field.  (1cup of Epsom Salts and 1 cup of Baking Soda – soak for 20 minutes).  Salt showers or salt foot soaks are just as good.

[vii]  Eclipse Windows


Infinity Gold Rose

Biofield Tuning Group Session – This Weekend

An excellent way to experience Biofield Tuning!

Group Sound April 23

For those who attend regularly, bundles of 3, 6 & 12 sessions are available.

Infinity Gold Rose

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