Increasingly Expansive Energies
We have been in a constant flow of increasingly expansive energies since last May beginning with a lunar eclipse, a solar eclipse and summer solstice in June, the Day Out of Time and the Galactic New Year closing out July and opening the Lion’s Gate Portal 8-8.
Lion’s Gate
The portal to Lion’s Gate began its opening July 27th when the Blue Star Sirius commenced its annual return to align with the sun and the Great Pyramids of Giza. With each passing day, the energies have increased, and the portal has widened peaking August 8th. This peak is activated and catalyzed by the numerology of 8-8, the Sun in Leo and the rising Blue Star Sirius. This combination of energy streams high vibrational energy onto the Planetary Field for us to tune in to and connect with. The alignment combination acts like a frequency generator and transmitter for the cosmic codes and multidimensional light.
Sirius is often referred to as our Spiritual Sun illuminating the truth of our infinite soul, Many ancient civilizations tracked the rising of Sirius which indicated a time of power rebirth, creativity, spiritual growth and evolution into a higher states of consciousness. The ancients believed the profound energies of Sirius were integrated, embodied directly into our being.
The number 8 represents infinity – the infinite soul that we are, the infinite journey that we are on, the infinite conscious part of our soul that continues long after this lifetime completes. While the Sun sends us life for our physical bodies, Sirius sends us life for our spiritual bodies. The 8-8 Lion’s Gate portal is the opportunity to bring both together as we step into our Soul’s Mastery embodying our Soul Song and expressing it in our physical reality.
We are also experiencing a new lunar cycle on August 8th, with the Full Moon in 16° Leo coming into conjunction with the Leo Sun. Leo represents personal power and innovative and playful creativity. The Sun radiates out where the Moon is about the inner realm of emotions. When the Sun and the Moon conjunct in Leo our inner reality is illuminated out into our physical reality both the positive and the negative.
Before the New Moon on the 8th, releasing patterns, habits, behaviours that are no longer resonant with our Soul truth will make way for the manifesting of new intentions during the New Moon time. It clears the decks so that what we illuminate comes from heart and the depth of our inner desires.
The releasing can be done by writing what needs to be released on paper, read aloud, then burned in a fire pit, pot or candle. Next, are some suggestions to set intentions around.
Set Intentions
Here are some areas you may wish to set intentions around:
Opening the 3rd Eye – The intense energies of Lion’s Gate are excellent for opening the 3rd Eye Chakra – our intuition discernment and psychic gifts. In addition to the opening of the 3rd eye, we can set intentions for all the chakras in the body to activated.
Psychic Expansion often occurs when high vibrations energies streaming onto the Earth Plane. This psychic expansion may be seen through enhanced dreams or visions, easier connections to our Spirit Guide Teams or the Angelics, automatic writing or deeper meditative states or even bliss. Set intentions for psychic expansion and be open to what comes through.
Creativity: Leo is the forever creative child so this is a perfect time to set intentions to initiate new projects or manifest those that have been in the birthing process for a while.
Opening of the Heart: The Sun represents the heart in the human body. Intend for the opening of the heart as these energies bring healing or releasing of our wounds, trauma, grief or the many burdens that we have been carrying especially this past 18 months with the world situation. Set intentions for the opening of the heart chakra which allows an increased flow of life force – chi, energy through the body.
Technological Innovation and Expertise: is associated with Sirius known for its advanced technology. Set intentions to tap into these energies to create a new blog or website; learn a new program, skill or new feature on your phone or tech equipment.
Spiritual Deepening: Set intentions for the expansion of spiritual wisdom and growth; for the awareness and awakening to our highest light and spiritual potential. Sirian energy is excellent for unlocking our greatest potential, streaming codes of light to further activate our DNA or open us to new opportunities, new timelines.
Fire Ceremony for Setting Intentions:
Just as we release through the use of fire, we can set intentions with the same fire ceremony. Writing intentions is more powerful than thinking about things. Allow the intentions to come directly from the desires of the heart. Be clear and direct about what you want to manifest. What you speak, you create! Read your intentions aloud with the stipulation that all things be for your highest light and resonance. Burn the written list in a fire pit, pot or candle. Always use safety and caution when working near or with fire.
This August New Moon T-Squares with several planetary transits. The combination of these energies allows for major breakthroughs (Uranus) as we become profoundly aware (Mercury) of the core wounds, patterns, behaviours and habits that cause our inner reality and emotional triggers (Moon). Strength and courage (Sun) join with the discipline of Saturn to heal the wounds of the heart (Sun) and discover the true nature of our Soul’s song. The magnitude of the Lion’s Gate Portal at its peak is one of the most powerful portals we experience in our calendar year.
Here is a short video example of a releasing fire ceremony. The best time to do this is between the full moon and before the next new moon.
Another quantum opportunity to clear, release and transmute energies and embody more of your soul’s magnificence ..
Lion’s Gate and Full Moon
Healing Circle
Join Us!
Saturday August 7th – 3pm PT/ 4pm MT/5pm CT/ 6pm ET
Sunday August 8– 7:30am ACST (Darwin)8am AEST (Brisbane)
$20 (USD)
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Soul Realigment
Certified Practitioner
Level 2