Soul Realignment

Soul Realignment is like having a compass directing us to our Soul’s true path; one that taps into our Divine Light while being surrounded with an amazing team of Spiritual Advisors to access the unlimited creative resources of the Universe.  We can become powerful creators of our human experience when we align to our Soul’s light.

You may find detailed information on eSoul Realignment, here.


All Soul Realignment offerings include a detailed report of the reading as well as a recording of the Presentation session. Great reference tools.

The Advanced Soul Realignment, designed to assist those on the journey of evolving consciousness, includes additional information unique to Rose Energetics: Field Vibrational Rates, Soul Embodiment Percentages, Psychic Interferences. This offers a deeper understanding of what one has accomplished and where we may grow in the future.

All Soul Realignment offerings include a detailed report of the reading as well as a recording of the Presentation session,  great reference tools.

You may find detailed information on each of these offerings, here.

Soul Realignment

If you are interested in Soul Realignment, please book a Complimentary Consultation.  This is an advanced process with prerequisites.  

This includes a written report and recording of the session (3 hours).

If you have completed the Soul Realignment process with another practitioner, see NEXT STEPS.  

Ultimate Add-On

2 – 90 Minute Deepening Sessions to clear Genetic Lineage and Sexual Energies

1 – 30 Minute Clearing directly in the Akashic Records.  This eliminates the client reading the clearing intentions for 21 consecutive days.

50% off a Property Alignment Session.

To Learn More – Book a Complimentary Consultation

Child Profiles

Child Soul Profile

Parents or guardians may request a Child Soul Profile for children under the age of 18.  This session covers the Soul Profile.  Blocks and Restrictions are not included.  See Child Soul Realignment.

$125. (USD) – 75 minute Session

Child Soul Realignment

Parents or guardians may request a Child Soul Realignment for children up to and including 12 years of age.  This includes blocks and restrictions.  Parents are responsible for the clearing of the children in the Akashic Records with the Practitioner.

$250. (USD) 150 minute Session

Next Level Work

Next Steps


Email for private links to these Sessions

Next Level Clearing: After integrating the initial Soul Realignment, additional areas of non-resonance may arise for clearing. This addresses the areas of non-resonance available for clearing.  A period of 3-6 months from initial reading is suggested before having a Next Level Clearing. $175 (USD)  90 minutes

Chakra Analysis Reading – reveals existing imbalances in the chakra channel and how it affects the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels of our energy field and the level these imbalances exist on.  $175. ( USD) 90 Minutes

Spirit Guide Profile Reading – Each of us has a personal team of Spirit Guides.  Learn who they are; their characteristics and the role they serve on your team.  Sometimes they even share their names. $200. (USD) 90 Minutes

Life Situation Reading  reveals root causes of what you are creating in your life and how to move forward or bring resolution to this situation.  May involve clearing and the 21 day clearing protocol. Also see Relationship Reading $175. (USD) 90 Minutes

Relationship Reading: – discover compatibility with or possible pitfalls with another person.  Adults $200. (USD) 90 Minutes

Manifesting Blueprint: Discover the unique ways you manifest at a soul level.  This is a comparative process based on seven attributes and the percentage of each attribute held by your soul. $175. (USD) 90 Minutes


Gift Certificates can be purchased for Sound & Circle Sessions, Replays or in increments of $50.or $100. to use on most services.

Purchase Certificates

Have Questions?

Book a Complimentary 30 minute Consultation with Katie.