Quantum Sound Therapy
Your body is a Living Symphony!
“only when an instrument is properly tuned can it make beautiful music”
Quantum Sound Therapy utilizes Quantum energy and Tuning Forks to alchemize triggers found in the human energy field transforming them back to their original state of life force energy. This energy is returned to the Central Channel where it flows strengthening your energetic boundaries, creating resiliency and coherence in the body and biofield. Crystal bowls or Therapeutic Himalayan Singing Bowls and other sound tools and/or guided meditations are added to the sessions to provide a unique sound experience resulting in overall well-being, personal growth, quantum transformation, and holistic health.
Services are offered On-Line & In-Person.
Quantum Sound Therapy
Individual Sessions
New To Sound Package
3 sessions – One introductory session (2 hours) & 2-75 minute sessions. $195. (USD)
This is a great way to experience Quantum Sound Therapy, build your coherence & resonance, and calm the Central Nervous System.
Individual Sessions
Singapore, Australia, New Zealand & Eastern Asia Schedule
Bundle and Save on Individual Sessions
Save when you purchase Packages 3 or 6 Sessions for Quantum Sound Therapy or Biofield Tuning.
Let us help you liberate & activate your human potential.
Book a Complimentary Consultation today.
What offerings are best suited for your current needs?
Quantum Sound Therapy
Monthly Group Sessions
Group Sessions via Zoom are offered monthly.
Every session focuses on strengthening the Energetic Flow and Auric Boundary building resiliency and coherence in the body and biofield as well as a focus point relevant for the group.
Can also be used for Quantum Circle of Light Sessions
Quantum Sound Therapy
Youth Sessions (under 16)
Have Questions?
Book a Complimentary 30 minute Consultation with Katie.