ALERT - SPAM - Mailchimp Breach 

Mailchimp has sent out emails to 35,624 people.  We did not initiate these emails. The email was entitled 'Successful Payment"  Indicating you had paid for services from Rose Energetics.  No funds are being received by Rose Energetics.  Please do not click on any links.  Check your bank accounts or PayPal Accounts for non-authorized payments.  My deepest apologies for this horrific attack on all of us. 

The Making of the Sacred Spiral Portal 

Part 2 

I had no idea how to begin.  In a session with one of my mentors, I was advised that the elementals on the land would assist me.  In particular, there was one stepping forward who would act as the Project Foreman co-ordinating the project from both the elemental perspective & the physical one.  His name was Hank, That is how it began. 

The center circle of the Medicine Wheel which was a 12″ round stone was to become the Flower of Life.  First challenge.  How was I going to create the Flower of Life in the centre of the new portal space.  Not being use to having a Project Foreman, I went about trying to figure this out on my own.  After months of ‘mental’ processing as us humans often do, Hank finally stepped in and revealed the pattern that was to be painted onto 19-18″ circular patio stones.  The 12″ centre would now be 7.5′ at its maximum width.  The stones were gathered, pressure washed by my husband; allowed to dry awaiting the next step which was to spray paint the stones metallic silver. 

Fortunately, the way I manifest is by having an intention for an end project without knowing all the details of how to get there.  I just start by looking at what is needed to get to the unknown end result.   So, the next step was to draw the design on the stones.  I purchased an 18″ round piece of plexiglass; divided the circumference in 6 equal sections marking the edge of the plexiglass.  I knew how to draw the Flower of Life from this 18″ plexiglass template.  One stone at a time.  The outline was made with permanent marker using the template as a guide.  Once the template was on the stone, the stone was handpainted with gold acrylic paint.

The stones were painted during the Energetic Gateways of March Equinox, April 19-20 Annular Total Solar Eclipse, May 5 Lunar Penumbral Eclipse, June Solstice, 7-7 Sirian Gateway.  Each stone took 3-4 hours of time to mark the template on and to hand paint.  They were done in two separate batches of 7 & 12 stones.  

I was instructed to add light language to the centre stone before sealing each stone with Clear Gloss UV Protectant.  


I had been tasked with the painting of the stones and the vision of the centre of this upgraded portal but did not have a clue what I was to do next.  I kept seeing spirals which reminded me of vortex energy which I use all the time and is very much associated with the Flower of Life.  The Phi Helix – the Golden Spiral rises out of the centre circle of the Flower of Life so I was seeing this energy coming from the stones which would be at the centre of the portal.


There were also images of the Giza pyramid popping up everywhere.  I pay attention to things like that as it is usually my guide team trying to get my attention.