ALERT - SPAM - Mailchimp Breach 

Mailchimp has sent out emails to 35,624 people.  We did not initiate these emails. The email was entitled 'Successful Payment"  Indicating you had paid for services from Rose Energetics.  No funds are being received by Rose Energetics.  Please do not click on any links.  Check your bank accounts or PayPal Accounts for non-authorized payments.  My deepest apologies for this horrific attack on all of us. 

The Making of the Sacred Spiral Portal

Part 3

I was guided to a 10-sided Lapis Lazuli crystal, precision cut with Vogel-style facets designed and coded through ceremony during major energetic gateways. These Source Stones as they are called were designed to assist with the integration of the incoming high frequency photonic Light Codes flooding the Planet. Each stone is energized, activated and imprinted with Key Codes, Love, Wisdom and Knowledge from many Councils of Light.

The stone that was made available to me was activated on March 24th as the first transiting of Pluto out of Capricorn into Aquarius since 1778 – 248 years occurred.

This was major as the entire world population was about to experience the initial dipping of Pluto into Aquarius. The planet of Death & Rebirth combining with the transformational, inventive & creative energy of Aquarius on a collective basis is a transit that will take place over the next 21 years. The social norms and ideologies of our planet; technology, data, science and systems of power will be radically transformed and humanity will evolve to a higher level of consciousness by the time Pluto finishes in Aquarius in 2044. .

The Source Stone was in Australia with its creator, Lia Scallon, who asked the new group of 50 stones that had been activated, who I was to be the guardian of. She graciously kept the stone during the April 18-19 Annular Total Solar Eclipse whose route was directly over Australia allowing for an additional activation. There was a specific message revealed to Lia about the Stones particular destiny & purpose.

Instructions for the 8′ to scale Giza Pyramid were received around the same time as the Lapis Source Stone was being made available.  It was not a coincidence that the Giza pyramid connectors were made with clear quartz and lapis.