ALERT - SPAM - Mailchimp Breach 

Mailchimp has sent out emails to 35,624 people.  We did not initiate these emails. The email was entitled 'Successful Payment"  Indicating you had paid for services from Rose Energetics.  No funds are being received by Rose Energetics.  Please do not click on any links.  Check your bank accounts or PayPal Accounts for non-authorized payments.  My deepest apologies for this horrific attack on all of us. 

The Making of the Sacred Spiral Portal

Part 4


May 16th, 2023 was the day I had a huge push from my guide team.  I knew I had to be complete by Lion’s Gate for the activation of the new space.  In my mind’s eye, I felt the actual work of expanding the current Medicine Wheel to accommodate the larger Portal space as the work of a team.  Did I get a surprise!  This was a reflection of my upgraded energy.  I was the one who needed to do the work.  I didn’t realize this fully when I began.

My husband, Walt, left for work about 1pm that day.  I began by moving the outside perimeter stones out from their current position.  It was important not to dismantle the Medicine Wheel in the process of creating the new portal space.  The energy that had accumulated in this space was foundational to the new space.  After this was finished, I started removing the smaller stones found in each quadrant as well as the landscape paper under the stones. Miraculously, I completed this task by 6:30 that evening.  This gave me a small inclination of the energy and support that was assisting me in this process.   

 There were a lot of images swirling around in my head but there was no clear idea on how I was to make the shift from a circular Medicine Wheel into a Sacred Spiral.  I spent a tremendous amount of time studying Spirals; how to draw them and understanding the different types.  I called on the Project Foreman Hank numerous times.  There was always an answer to the dilemma I was having.  

By this time, I knew there was the centre Flower of Life.  Around that would be an 8′ to scale Giza Pyramid.  The centre of the Flower of Life would be in the centre of the pyramid and the centre point of the spiral would be in the centre of the Flower of Life.  There was a to scale base plan of the project.  Putting all together was going to be complicated.  Hank brilliantly indicated creating a new plan that began with the spiral was the solution.  It took a day to draw the plan to scale.  The spiral began with the Golden Mean to a particular point then it continued in the format of an Archimedean Spiral as per Hanks instructions.  I was quite enjoying the ‘ask a question’ and ‘get an immediate answer’ process with Hank.  

On June 6, 2023 the scaled master plan was revised in accordance with Hank’s instructions.  From that day forward, every question I had was directed to Hank who responded immediately with the answer which was always 100 percent accurate.  

It was of great importance to incorporate as much of the Medicine Wheel as possibile into the Sacred Spiral Portal.  The Cardinal Marker Stones were repainted and sealed with the UV Protectant.  The glyph stones were repainted with spirals to be placed as marker points within each quadrant of the Sacred Spiral.