ALERT - SPAM - Mailchimp Breach
Mailchimp has sent out emails to 35,624 people. We did not initiate these emails. The email was entitled 'Successful Payment" Indicating you had paid for services from Rose Energetics. No funds are being received by Rose Energetics. Please do not click on any links. Check your bank accounts or PayPal Accounts for non-authorized payments. My deepest apologies for this horrific attack on all of us.
The Making of the Sacred Spiral Portal
Part 1
My Journey has taken me on many paths, many teachings, many enlightenments however, one common thread amongst them all is ‘connection.’ Connection to all that is – nature, Self, Source. It is foundational to all human growth and evolution.
Shamanic journeys are part of the path and enlightenment. While on several pathways, the Medicine Wheel presented itself along with the many profound and wise mentors who assisted me in the building and connecting with the Wheel and the wise ones who came to teach, heal and upgrade both the land and myself.
In 2018, it became a reality.
The Medicine Wheel was aligned to True North. The Cardinal Directions were identified by coloured marker stones. Yellow – East, Red – South, Black – West, White – North. Each quadrant represented a phase of the whole: Seasons, Life, Directions, Medicines, Elements & Animal Spirit Guides.
The Intercardinal directions marked the half way point of the journey through each quadrant. I saw the first half representing growth with the second half representing wisdom.
Walking the Wheel typically started in the East and moved clockwise around the wheel. One could reflect on a particular journey; an aspect of their life; seek direction or guidance from one’s Soul Self, Ancestors, or Source.
Over time this wheel gathered many energetic qualities. It held light and wisdom. It was nurtured through many ceremonies and journeys. It guided souls on their journey from this lifetime to their next appropriate Soul journey. It anchored Source Light & became a Portal Entrance for Source Light infusing higher dimensional light into the Crystalline Grid of Gaia.
The energetic nature of our property was in a state of constant upgrade and evolution. So, you can only imagine how I felt when I received guidance in late of 2022 that this was about to change. The Portal needed to undergo a major energetic upgrade in order to hold the influx of higher consciousness and light that would be streaming into Mother Earth as she continued her own evolution.
It is said that Medicine Wheels are a reflection; an extention of their Keeper’s energetics. During 2022, I had gone through several deep, profound and life altering upgrades. One of those upgrades took place during a 16 day illness where I felt like I had been anesthetized, waking only for water, medication and personal care. It had been intense, all designed so I could anchor specific light coming onto the Earth plane.