“Liberate & Activate Your Human Potential”
Soul Realignment
What is Soul Realignment?
Soul Realignment is a powerful, multidimensional, transformational modality that works at Soul Level utilizing the wisdom and information of the Akashic Records to reveal who we are at Soul Level. It reflects the choices we have made over lifetimes that block or restrict our abilities in this lifetime as well as providing a process to clear these choices through intention and make new ones going forward..
One discovers the nature of their Soul and Soul’s Origination, their primary energies, vibrational qualities and inherent gifts. The nature of our connection to our Soul Self (Higher Self), Life Lessons and Soul Specializations are revealed.
Old patterns and limitations, some that have rippled through lifetimes, can be released and we are freer to live our Soul Truth, to create and manifest abundantly.
“Created by Andrrea Hess in 2007, Soul Realignment® is a highly specific, cohesive system of accessing information within the Akashic Records. At the heart of Soul Realignment® is the principle that we are the Divine creators of our own experience, through free will and choice. This principle is inherent in all aspects of this work, and empowers clients to take full responsibility for all their experiences, knowing that it is within our power to create whatever life is desired.” (Excerpt from Soul Realignment, Andrrea Hess)
What is the Advanced Session?
The Advanced Session outlines the Soul Profile – origination, primary energies and vibrational states, life themes, soul specializations,. It also identifies blocks and restrictions that are coming up at the current time for releasing. Once the reading is complete, we meet via Zoom, or phone where we discuss the reading. The sessions can take approximately 2 1/2 hours. A written report is emailed to you afterwards. See Clearing Intentions for the clearing process with this package.
What are Clearing Intentions?
The practitioner sets the intentions for clearing in the Akashic Records which you activate through your free will and conscious intention. In the Advanced Package, it requires the client to read the clearing intentions for clearing aloud for 21 consecutive days.
I now offer ‘clearing intentions’ directly in the Akashic Records at the time of the Soul Realignment presentation with the ‘Ultimate Add-On‘ which has proven to be a powerful process for many. It activates the intentions immediately and replaces the reading of the clearing intentions for the 21 day process.
The clearing intentions are essential to making your current intentions known regarding the blocks and restrictions you have been experiencing. It is an opportunity to change the dynamics of your life, to make new choices and have future experiences in alignment with your Divine Soul Blueprint.
Soul Realignment Ultimate Add-On
In addition to the Advanced Session, you receive:
2 – 90 Minute Deepening Sessions to clear Genetic Lineage and Sexual Energies/Karmic Relationship Patterns.
1 – 30 Minute Clearing directly in the Akashic Records. This eliminates the client reading the clearing intentions for 21 consecutive days.
50% off a Personal Property Alignment Session.
Powerfully transformative.
These sessions are valuable tools to assist anyone seeking to evolve consciousness, develop self-awareness and increase vibrational frequency. Starseeds, Lightworkers and Gridkeepers benefit from Soul Realignment.
Soul Profiles for Children
Children born in the last two decades have special gifts and needs. The Child Soul Profile can assist your parenting skills and understanding of their unique gifts and special needs. Parents may request a Soul Profile for children under the age of 18.
Soul Realignment For Children
Soul Realignment is available for children up to the age of 12. Parents or guardians are responsible for the clearing requests of the children.
Soul Realignment for children between the ages of 13-17 required the active participation of the parent and the child. Book a consultation for more information and the booking link.